Outreach Initiatives
The Ontario Mining Association is strongly committed to providing accurate information and opportunities to educate the public on the value of minerals and mining to our society and our industry's commitment to responsible practices. Our outreach efforts include a variety of initiatives and linkages with like-minded organizations.

To celebrate our 100th anniversary in 2020, the Ontario Mining Association created #ThisIsMining, a campaign that takes a fresh look at the role of mining in our lives and in our province.
The achievements, the people, the progress, and the legacy.

Since 2010, Mining Matters, the Canadian Ecology Centre, the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the OMA have been delivering the Mineral Resource and Mining Education Tours (read about the program history). The tours are Earth science and mineral resource professional learning programs available to Formal and Informal Educators, as well as Mineral Resource Development Advisors, from across Canada. The tours provide enriching, experiential learning, connected to science and geography curricula, that focus on Earth science, modern mining, sustainability, careers, and occupational health and safety. Tour itineraries include presentations from industry professionals, resource workshops and visits to mine sites and mine manufacturing facilities.

The OMA, which represents some of the world's leading resources companies operating in Ontario, held a competition for university students as part of its innovation agenda, aimed at driving enhanced performance in health and safety (mining with zero harm); environmental protection and energy efficiency (mining with zero carbon and zero waste); and productivity (building global competitiveness).

The OMA partnered with Moses Znaimer's ideacity conference to co-curate a mining-themed session. The session, held on June, 15, 2017, was part of a series of talks that looked at technological disruption and innovation.

Between 2009-2016, OMA ran the ultimate video contest for Ontario high school students, receiving almost 1,000 entries from across the province and giving out over $272,000 in prizes to students, teachers and schools. The challenge was to create a 2-3 minute video on the benefits of mining to society or a 15 second commercial themed around the Ontario mining brand. Click below to view the winning videos.